Electro PJP 7043-IEC-CD1 Meetadapter BNC-stekker - Bus 4 mmToepassingen: To connect safely a function generator or oscillscope to 4 mm banana leads. General purpose electronic testing, controlling, and measuring.Elektrische aansluitingen:- 4 mm...18,99
Electro PJP 6005-IEC-CD1-R Probe CAT II 1000 V RoodTo grasp conductive parts safely to measure voltages. General purpose electric and electronic testing, controlling, and measuring. Long and Flexible thin stem to access to deep target items while...12,99
Electro PJP 6003-CD1-R Probe RoodDit „prick-wire”-accessoire is used on cables where ends cannot be reached. For example: automotive cables.De teksten voor dit artikel zijn automatisch vertaald....20,99
Electro PJP 6800-CD1-R Klemtestsonde RoodDeze mini Challenger-clip is een van de meest nauwkeurige en smallste producten op de markt. Its size allows testting on the closest SMD connexion. Careful positioning simultane testing in line point...13,99
Electro PJP 6012-PRO-CD1-R Probe RoodToepassingen om mini hook clip-pads te maken. The hook fits to 1,2 mm diameter ronde pennen en 0,9 mm x 0,9 mm vierkante pennen. The gold plating prevents oxidatie and keeps good electrical...3,79
Electro PJP 21130-CD1 Meetadapter BNC-bus - Bananenkoppeling Rood, ZwartPerfect for the transition from the BNC to the 4mm safety system.De teksten voor dit artikel zijn automatisch vertaald....11,99
Electro PJP 405-IEC-CD1-R Probe CAT II 1000 V Rood 1 stuk(s)Toepassingen: To measure voltages up to 1000 V. General purpose electric and electronic testing, controlling, and measuring. The thin and long conductive tip allows measurement on deep and small...3,79